Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Warhammer 40k Batrep, TBMC, 1850 Tyranids vs Orks, Battle Report

Warhammer 40k Batrep, TBMC, 1850 Tyranids vs Orks, Battle Report

Hey guys, today Kevin and Irvin face off in an all xenos battle. Tyranids vs Orks, who will be victorious? Let us know what you think and if there were any rules errors. Keep on wargaming!
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Confirming Details and Pricing for Traitors Hate, Psychic Cards, and Void Shield Generator

This very much confirms what the previous source was saying, and gives some pricing to go along with the pre-orders.
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Details about Traitors Hate and This Weekend's Pre-Orders

Traitor's Hate is a huge return to Chaos Space Marines, and is a big deal to many hobbyists'. Chaos Space Marine players and fans have been a long time to get something really new, and this hopefully is a start to it. It looks like its going to be fantastic, and I can't wait to take a look at it.

Here are some of the latest details...... It looks beautiful
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Darklands: Savage Hordes III

As a big fan of the sculpts from Mierce Miniatures, I just couldnt pass on checking out their latest Kickstarter to fund Mounted Miniatures for Darklands.
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Ep 159 Combat Phase - TBA8: The Beast Must Die w/Gav Thorpe

TBA8: The Beast Must Die w/Gav Thorpe
We talk news, hobby, games played. Warhammer TV responded quick to a plastoc 30K Thousand Sons model with a quick reveal of Kharn. We both played a couple good games. Then Gav Thorpe joins us for our continuing coverage of The Beast Arises w/Book 8, The Beast Must Die.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Sons of Horus - 10 man Reaver Squad Completed and an Army Shot

Evening all,

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Squad
These guys took a lot longer than I expected to finish them but I'm super stoked!

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Squad
I couldn't quite get the photos right in terms of lighting and exposure, I think I will change out for a standard black or white backdrop in the future as I have had good results with both previously.

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Squad
The bodies of these guys are airbrushed black up to grey, the chin component of the helmets and jump packs were done the same green as the Vets and the shoulder pads have a red fade on them. I was trying to emulate what I had seen done by the studio before and though it looked pretty quirky after the airbrushing, it toned down significantly with the rest of the paint-work.

1350pts Sons of Horus Army
So I seem to be painting one unit a month at the moment with a bit of hobby stuff around the sides. I might take a break from these dudes and paint up a Zone Mortalis table I bought from Forge World before getting back in with tanks!


P.s. If you're reading, drop me a line in the comments so I can figure out what sort of audience I have?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sons of Horus - 5 Justaerin Finished and an Army Progress Shot.

Yew, got a new squad done for the SoH!

This is the first time I have done an airbrushed black with the stylised highlights as seen in the WIP photos preceding this post and I'm quite happy with the results. Previously I was a little lost to do with black aside from some line highlights and weathering pigments, it lightens the models up a bit but I really like the effect.

925pts down, Reavers are up next, hopefully a week or two as I am working in the bush at the moment and they were the only dudes I had airbrushed and ready for detailing. I need another Troop choice and some transports painted ASAP so they won't be too far behind.

Sons of Horus Justaerin Terminators

Sons of Horus

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sons of Horus - Justaerin WIP

This guy was hard to photograph with the camera on my phone but it's coming together pretty well I think. I'm really pleased with how the black/green/grey airbrushed 'black' has come out under the detail, the flat clear tones the lightest points down quite a bit too.

Sons of Horus Justaerin Terminators WIP