Tuesday, November 15, 2016

30k Pseudo Battle Report - 2500pts - SoH v Sal

My local scene had a 30k tournament on the weekend, the Outpost 6030 Skulls - Galaxy in Flames. We were divided amongst loyalists and traitors for the event, the points level was set at 2500 using an age of darkness force org (or whatever wizardry the mechanics can get). 

My first opponent was Chris, he was rocking some Sallies and we had been having a bit of back and forth banter/trash talk before the event and the TO Jacob was good enough to line us up for a smash first round.

He had something like this maybe:
Praetor, Paragon Blade, Drake thing (eternal warrior), Storm Shield
Primus Medicae, TH/SS
5 Firedrakes, TH/SS
Spartan with AC
20 Tacticals, Sergeant with Artificer, Combi-plas and a Meltabomb
10 Tacticals, Sergeant with Combi-plas, Extra CCW, Rhino
Deredeo with the Autocannons and a Missile Rack
Pred with a Heavy Conversion Beamer
5 Pyroclasts, Sergeant with a Fist, Meltabombs
Rolling in a Proteus with AC

He had one of the legion specific RoW's but I can't recall which, it didn't alter his force org or anything though but did boost some of their attributes. I didn't get a full sequence of events as playing was more important than the documentation of the game, and we were on a clock too being that it was a tournament event.

Chris is a great dude and we had a really good game, he put some pressure on me early when I didn't have a lot on the board, but I was quite lucky with all of my outflanking units coming on turn 2. The Son's of Horus legion boons really help by re-rolling those 1's on the reserve rolls. From there, I was attacking him on 3 fronts, coming from both flanks and my home field so I had the momentum and kept the pressure high.

He killed my Leviathan in Turn 2 with his Tac squad which and a single Meltabomb which was amazing, I was shitting bricks as he is pretty much a 5th of my army and a bit of a lynchpin for the force. The combat between the Drakes and the Justaerin was FIERCE, they are some crazy tough dudes and Chris made a great little deathstar with the Primus and the Praetor but the 16th Legion ended up coming out on top in turn 3 after getting more attacks off the back of the charge. The Reavers went on a rampage in his backfield as did the Javelins while the Thuds were shattering anything that got within 36" of their position and keeping him boxed in to his 1/4. 

In the end he was down to a Tactical Sergeant on the field and maybe another guy or two but it's been a few guys and I can't remember the wrap up, I had all 4 primary objectives, all 4 table quarters and all the secondaries so it was a pretty staunch 33-0 victory for the SoH.

Salamanders Palmares:
Derdeo after the interceptor, constantly stunned, pretty much only put two hull points on the Drop Pod.
20 man Tac Squad, the sergeant combi-plased the drop pod as it landed, then assaulted and destroyed the Leviathan in turn 2 with a single Meltabomb, killed a Reaver.
Pred, glanced the SoH Spartan once.
Spartan, got the drakes up the field and killed 2 crew members from the Quad guns.
Proteus, glanced the SoH Spartan.
10 man Tac Squad, killed 3 Reavers.
Pyroclasts, killed a Javelin, killed 3 Reavers

SoH Palmares:
Quad Mortars, 4 glances on the Spartan, 1 glance on the Proteus, wrecked the Rhino, killed a Drake, wrecked the Vindicator.
Vets, killed 8 Tac marines.
Javelins, killed the Deredeo, killed the Pred, 2 hull points on a Vindicator destroying the main gun.
Spartan, 2 glances on the Proteus, 1 pen on the Spartan killing it.
Cortus, raged out and died doing nothing to the Drakes.
Reavers, wiped the big Tac Squad, killed 5 Pyroclasts, killed a Tac Marine from the small squad.
Justaerin, killed the Primus, Praetor and 3 Drakes, trashed the Proteus.
Leviathan, stunned the Derdeo and took a hull point, killed 5 Tac marines.

It was really nice to play a new army with mine, and a new opponent. Chis was a super chill dude and I really liked his balanced approach to building a 30k Astartes army, he had a little bit of everything and the two legion specific units, it was most like mine from the armies that I saw at the event.

Chris' Deployment
Chris' Deployment
My Deployment
The Spartan is wrecked and the Cortus insanely charges the Drakes, hoping to kill a few.
He was pounded to dust after this shot.
The Drakes moved up unphased.
After losing two Drakes to shooting, the Justaerin charge in killing 4 more from the unit and wounding the Praetor twice at S10 but his Eternal Warrior keeps him in the fight.
After being shucked from his pod by the Tac Sergeant, the brave lad leads his boys straight at the beast, detonating it with a Melta-bomb in the first round of combat.
After losing a Javelin to the Pyroclasts, this guy would go on to take the Vindicators main gun, wreck the Deredeo and wreck the Predator.
After a hard fight, the Justaerin move along my board edge to the right, getting out to assault and destroy the Proteus before consolidating back to the objective to claim it.
The Reavers smashed their way through the 15 tacticals and 5 Pyroclasts but were killed down to the Apothecary and 1 power fist marine by his Tac squad, still hanging in there to take the objective.
After dismounting and shooting the Tac's down to 6 men, then shooting at 24" and killing another 5, the vets moved back to claim the objective while the quad gun team holds the White on.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

2850pts Sons of Horus done and ready to rumble

We've got a 2500pt 30k event here in Perth, Wasteland Australia, tomorrow, a couple of these bodies are sitting it out to come back down to the points but I'm really pleased to see it all together on the table, done at last!

I had to paint up 3 more Justaerin (powerfists on the left), so the two with twin lightning claws could sit out (terrible load out), not a big grind after finishing Maloghurst the other day but it did take me a while to get through them. I also painted 10 of the FW meltabombs (the good small ones), magnetised them and attached them to the Veteran Tacticals so I'm full WYSIWYG and DTF.

Sons of Horus Justaerin

2841pts of Sons of Horus, picked up a bit of blue sky light on the rhs of the photo so the javelins look like a different colour.
I'm taking my camera tomorrow and hope to be able to get some cool battle shots against the other painted armies in our local scene but being immersed in the game and having a good time is a bit more important to me than posing shit up for pics so we'll see how it goes.

Otherwise, bit of a hobby break after this so the blog might go quiet for a month or something, maybe until Christmas, but we'll see. I've got 10 Tartarus from Prospero that I really want to paint up, a Warhound Titan begging to be built and painted but I was struggling just to paint 3 guys at the end there so I know I need some time off.

Oh and blood bowl! I think I'm getting it from the girlfriend for Christmas.

Ta loves,

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Completed Maloghurst Conversion and Painting, and a Claw for my Dreadnought

Maloghurst the Twisted / SoH Traitor Legion Herald

Maloghurst the Twisted / SoH Traitor Legion Herald

Maloghurst the Twisted / SoH Traitor Legion Herald

Sons of Horus Contemptor Cortus with Kheres, Power Claw and Grav Gun
Did up a little kitbash of old mate Maloghurst for an event on the weekend, I will use him as a Herald alternatively. I didn't go too heavy on the chipping or weathering as he isn't a front line unit, in games he actually never gets out of the Spartan as long as it's in one piece so he's still pretty fresh.

I also did up a claw for my Contemptor with a grav gun on the inside, I generally run this guy as a Cortus in games to get his points down to 165 and the benefits can be pretty handy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sons of Horus - 2 Javelin Attack Speeders Completed.

These are unreal in the game but were such a pain in the ass to build and paint!

Pretty happy with how they came out and the level of matchy-matchy between them, I actually painted one first then the other as the batch painting cooked me.

Thanks to you dudes who've been throwing me some comments, I've gotta get back to y'all but our internet has been krapping out at home and my phone hates blogger for some reason so my comments disappear when I post them. Cheers for the love though.

Sons of Horus - Javelin Attack Speeders

Sons of Horus - Javelin Attack Speeders

Sons of Horus - Javelin Attack Speeders

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sons of Walrus, heaps better photos on a white background! Oh, and offering commissioning now.


I've been asked a few times about doing some commission work for people and I thought, shit, why the hell not! So I've started up this site: http://jack0284.wixsite.com/website I've been fixing work for people for a bit now from some other commission painters and I know I can offer a better service than that. I'm working part time until the end of the year too now so I will have a bit of time up my sleeve to smash work out for clients. I'm going to update the blog section of that in tandem with this, using that page as more of a gallery of what I can do with miniatures and terrain.

Also, ventured out into the big brave world of white backgrounds for that GW spec floating model look and I think it actually shows off my work on the dark green bodies of the SoH a lot better than the black backdrops did!

Sons of Horus Leviathan Dreadnought

Sons of Horus Deimos Rhino

Sons of Horus Deimos Rhino

Sons of Horus Deimos Rhino

Sons of Horus Dreadnought Drop Pod

Sons of Horus Leviathan Dreadnought

Sons of Horus Dreadnought Drop Pod with entry scorch

Sons of Horus Leviathan Dreadnought

Sons of Horus Dreadnought Drop Pod

Sons of Horus Contemptor Mortis

Sons of Horus Contemptor Mortis

Sons of Horus Spartan Assault Tank

Sons of Horus Spartan Assault Tank

Sons of Horus Spartan Assault Tank

Sons of Horus Spartan Assault Tank

Sons of Horus Spartan Assault Tank

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Marines

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Marines

Sons of Horus Reaver Assault Marines

Sons of Horus Legion Veteran Tactical Marines

Sons of Horus Justaerin Terminators

Sons of Horus Quad Mortar Team

Sons of Horus Quad Mortar Team

Sons of Horus Apothecary

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

HFB Tyranids heading to eBay. Link to the auction and some final pics.

My variant Hive Fleet Behemoth army is heading to eBay!


Trying to make way for some more 30k, not playing 40k at all anymore as most of the dudes I game with have transitioned back to Heresy era dude-on-dude marinefests. Got it up for 70% of the Aussie RRP at the moment, hopefully it breaks even at least.

The disposability of this hobby and all of the millions of dollars of grey plastic that gets bought for full price and sold for dirt bums me out massively, all the codex creep and presale hype kills the value  insanely if you're not selling the latest and greatest power combo for some tournament retard to slam his meta with.

Wish me luck!
